Sunday, July 26, 2020

Thranduil's Shadow

In this story I attempt to explain how the Elvenking became so cold and angry. I plan to follow Thranduil from his youth until his son Legolas is born, and since Thranduil was born in the First Age there will be many thousands of years to cover... Some time jumps will happen. :)

“You make it sound so easy.” He sighed.
“It is easy. We undress. We pray to Eru. We do it.”


Impulsive and young, Thranduil brings back Aerneth to Doriath as his wife, making his abusive father furious. Through the Ages their hasty marriage is shadowed by war and death, dragons and dark lords, betrayal and kinslayings. How can they ever find healing and love?

– Or, the Silmarillion from Thranduil’s perspective.

Pairings: Thranduil x Aerneth (OC)

Rating: M

Read it here:

With chapter pictures, and easy to read via browser or an app. Need an account on the site (which is free).

Simple text layout, no account required.

Simple text layout, no account required.